Credit Card Interface Configuration
We offer several pre-written merchant services interfaces to accept credit card payments, in real-time, through the shopping cart. All of these interfaces redirect the buyer back to the cart's receipt page, receipt.php, which displays a printable invoice and also sends out two email receipts, one to the merchant and one to the buyer.
The Merchant Services Interfaces we currently offer that DO NOT require you to have your own secure server are:
CardService International Linkpoint Html
Wells Fargo PayFlow
viaKlix's Novo Corp.
Verisign PayFlow Link
The Merchant Services Interfaces we currently offer that REQUIRE you to have your own secure server are:
AuthorizeNet HTML
Bank of America eStores
PlugnPay Directlink
Online Data Corp BluePay WebLink
CardService International API Interface
If you already have a merchant services gateway provider, do not have an interface for it, and would like us to write one for you, please email us the specifics and we will be happy to give you a cost estimate.
Connecting to your Merchant Services Provider:
The next step is to link the cart to the merchant services provider that handles your credit card transactions.
When you purchase a credit card interface from our selection, we will send you an php file containing the necessary code. This is the interface template. To use it, just copy it into your "Cart" (non-secure interfaces) or the "ssl" (secure) sub directory depending on whether you are using a secure server or not. If you do not purchase one of our prepared credit card interfaces, you should be able to get instructions on how to do it from your merchant services provider.
To set the link to your Merchant Services Provider, open the file, "billing.php" and customize the form POST link within the php code. This applies to both categories of gateway providers; those that require your own secure server, and those that do not.
You will find this "hidden HTML code" in the "billing.php" page. You do not need to write new code or insert anything that isn't already there. You will just use the "comment tags": <!-- -->, to "comment out" the default line of code, like this: <!-- line to be commented out goes here --> then you will remove the comment tags from the form action for your selected card processor's interface php file.
Here are the lines you're looking for in the source of "billing.php":
<!--<form METHOD="post" ACTION="authorizenet.php">-->
<!--<form METHOD="post" ACTION="linkpoint.php">-->
<!--<form METHOD="post" ACTION="BankAmerica.php">-->
<form METHOD="post" ACTION="order.php">
Note that there are no comment tags <!-- Interface URL --> around the order.php line. It is therby toggled "on", and the others are "off". Order.php is the default setting. Order.php captures each order in the Expire.mdb database and auto-redirects the buyer to the receipt.php page, which sends out the two email invoices (as does all the credit card interfaces). One email to the buyer and another to the merchant.
Next you will need to open the interface template php file and insert your assigned Store_ID provided by the merchant services company you have selected and signed up for. These interface template php files can be used in TEST mode until you are ready to go live with your site. It works like this: each one contains a hidden toggle to flip the interface from TEST to LIVE mode i.e., value=TRUE or value=FALSE. Additional detailed instructions will be provided with each interface.