Shipping Rating Configuration
You can customize your shipping configurations, and select shipping carriers by simply entering the names in the checkout.php page, and the Billing.php page of the cart, as described and illustrated in the screenshots below.
Standard Shipping Configuration:
The standard shipping scripts charge shipping based on sub-total dollar ranges i.e., $1-100, $101-500, $501-1,000, $1001 up or similar.
For each dollar range you can assign either a flat shipping amount, or a percent to be multiplied against the sub-total amount for that dollar range i.e.... $1-100 could have a flat rate shipping fee assigned as $10.00, and the next range $101-500 could be set at 10% of the sub total amounts (say the sub total of the order was $200.00 then the shipping amount would be $20 (10% of $200) and so on. All the dollar ranges can be set as you desire. You can also go with all flat rates or all percentages, according to your choice.
The buyers have the options to select shipping methods (i.e., USPS, FedEx, Ground, etc.) from the drop down selection at the top of the checkout.php page. The below screen shot of the source code shows the "values" used behind each shipping type. You can alter these but they need to match exactly to the same values you use within the billing.php page. This can be done in GoLive 6 Layout View or in Source. In Source, the exact characters to edit are highlighted in the screen shot below. Do not remove the quotes.
Code to Edit in checkout.php Page |
The below graphics show the same shipping "values" within the Billing.php page. This screen shot of the source code also shows the rating calculation code for the different shipping methods. You will want to adjust the code to meet your shipping rating needs. If you need help, or desire a per-item shipping method please contact us. We have other shipping rating options and also can provide custom scripting. The exact characters to edit are highlighted in the screen shot below. Do not remove the quotes.
Code to Edit in billing.php Page |