Documentation for CatalogIntegrator Unix 7.0
Dear Merchant
Thank you for your purchase.
If you have any difficulty setting up your CatalogIntegrator Unix Cart, please contact us by email with as much information as you can, describing any problems or any error messages. Please be sure to provide page names, error line number, etc., when reporting problems.
Our business hours are 9 to 4, PacificTime.
This documentation contains the instructions you will need to set up CatalogIntegrator Unix Cart and get it running on your Unix or Mac OSX server. It assumes you are already familiar with Adobe GoLive. For questions about GoLive, please consult the GoLive manual or the GoLive online help.
If you would prefer, we will be happy to set up the cart for you. You will find pricing information on our web site at <>.
Best regards,
The CatalogIntegrator Team