![]() |
l | |
die("This version of the script requires PHP 4.0.0 or higher. "); $SETTINGSFILE = dirname(__FILE__)."/settings.php"; $WORDMAPFILE = dirname(__FILE__)."/zoom_wordmap.zdat"; $DICTIONARYFILE = dirname(__FILE__)."/zoom_dictionary.zdat"; $PAGEDATAFILE = dirname(__FILE__)."/zoom_pagedata.zdat"; $SPELLINGFILE = dirname(__FILE__)."/zoom_spelling.zdat"; $CATSFILE = dirname(__FILE__)."/zoom_cats.zdat"; $PAGETEXTFILE = dirname(__FILE__)."/zoom_pagetext.zdat"; $PAGEINFOFILE = dirname(__FILE__)."/zoom_pageinfo.zdat"; $RECOMMENDEDFILE = dirname(__FILE__)."/zoom_recommended.zdat"; // Check for dependent files if (!file_exists($SETTINGSFILE) || !file_exists($WORDMAPFILE) || !file_exists($DICTIONARYFILE)) { print("Zoom files missing error: Zoom is missing one or more of the required index data files. Please make sure the generated index files are uploaded to the same path as this search script. "); return; } require($SETTINGSFILE); if ($Spelling == 1 && !file_exists($SPELLINGFILE)) print("Zoom files missing error: Zoom is missing the 'zoom_spelling.zdat' file required for the Spelling Suggestion feature which has been enabled. "); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Settings // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The options available in the dropdown menu for number of results // per page $PerPageOptions = array(10, 20, 50, 100); /* // For foreign language support, setlocale may be required on the server for // wildcards and highlighting to work. Uncomment the following lines and specify // the appropriate locale information //if (setlocale(LC_ALL, "ru_RU.cp1251") == false) // for russian // print("Failed to change locale setting or locale setting invalid"); */ // Index format information $PAGEDATA_URL = 0; $PAGEDATA_TITLE = 1; $PAGEDATA_DESC = 2; $PAGEDATA_IMG = 3; $PAGEINFO_OFFSET = 0; $PAGEINFO_DATETIME = 1; $PAGEINFO_FILESIZE = 2; $PAGEINFO_CAT = 4; $MaxPageDataLineLen = 5178; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Parameter initialisation // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Send HTTP header to define meta charset if (isset($Charset) && $NoCharset == 0) header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=" . $Charset); // For versions of PHP before 4.1.0 // we will emulate the superglobals by creating references // NOTE: references created are NOT superglobals if (!isset($_SERVER) && isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS)) $_SERVER = &$HTTP_SERVER_VARS; if (!isset($_GET) && isset($HTTP_GET_VARS)) $_GET = &$HTTP_GET_VARS; if (!isset($_POST) && isset($HTTP_POST_VARS)) $_POST = &$HTTP_POST_VARS; // fix get/post variables if magic quotes are enabled if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 1) { if (isset($_GET)) while (list($key, $value) = each($_GET)) { if (!is_array($value)) $_GET["$key"] = stripslashes($value); } if (isset($_POST)) while (list($key, $value) = each($_POST)) $_POST["$key"] = stripslashes($value); } // check magic_quotes for runtime stuff (reading from files, etc) if (get_magic_quotes_runtime() == 1) set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); // we use the method=GET and 'query' parameter now (for sub-result pages etc) $IsZoomQuery = 0; if (isset($_GET['zoom_query'])) { $query = $_GET['zoom_query']; $IsZoomQuery = 1; } else $query = ""; // number of results per page, defaults to 10 if not specified if (isset($_GET['zoom_per_page'])) $per_page = $_GET['zoom_per_page']; else $per_page = 10; // current result page number, defaults to the first page if not specified $NewSearch = 0; if (isset($_GET['zoom_page'])) { $page = $_GET['zoom_page']; if ($page < 1) $page = 1; } else { $page = 1; $NewSearch = 1; } // AND operator. // 1 if we are searching for ALL terms // 0 if we are searching for ANY terms (default) if (isset($_GET['zoom_and'])) $and = $_GET['zoom_and']; elseif (isset($DefaultToAnd) && $DefaultToAnd == 1) $and = 1; else $and = 0; // for category support if (isset($_GET['zoom_cat'])) { if (is_array($_GET['zoom_cat'])) $cat = $_GET['zoom_cat']; else $cat = array($_GET['zoom_cat']); } else $cat = array(-1); // search all categories $num_zoom_cats = count($cat); // for sorting options // zero is default (relevance) // 1 is sort by date (if Date/Time is available) if (isset($_GET['zoom_sort'])) $sort = $_GET['zoom_sort']; else $sort = 0; if (isset($LinkBackURL) == false || strlen($LinkBackURL) < 1) $SelfURL = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; else $SelfURL = $LinkBackURL; // init. link target string $target = ""; if ($UseLinkTarget == 1 && isset($LinkTarget)) $target = " target=\"" . $LinkTarget . "\" "; $UseMBFunctions = 0; if ($UseUTF8 == 1) { if (function_exists('mb_strtolower')) $UseMBFunctions = 1; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function PrintEndOfTemplate($template) { global $ZoomInfo; global $STR_POWEREDBY; global $template_line; //Let others know about Zoom. if ($ZoomInfo == 1) print(" " . $STR_POWEREDBY . " Zoom Search Engine "); PrintEndOfTemplate($template); return; } // Load index data files (*.zdat) --------------------------------------------- // Open pagetext file if ($DisplayContext == 1 || $AllowExactPhrase == 1) { $fp_pagetext = fopen($PAGETEXTFILE, "rb"); $teststr = fgets($fp_pagetext, 8); if ($teststr[0] == "T" && $teststr[2] == "h" && $teststr[4] == "i" && $teststr[6] == "s") { print("Zoom config error: The zoom_pagetext.zdat file is not properly created for the search settings specified. Please check that you have re-indexed your site with the search settings selected in the configuration window. "); fclose($fp_pagetext); return; } } // Open recommended link file? if ($Recommended == 1) { $fp_rec = fopen($RECOMMENDEDFILE, "rt"); $i = 0; while (!feof($fp_rec)) { $recline = fgets($fp_rec, $MaxKeyWordLineLen); if (strlen($recline) > 0) { $sep = strrpos($recline, " "); if ($sep !== false) { $rec[$i][0] = substr($recline, 0, $sep); $rec[$i][1] = substr($recline, $sep); $i++; } } } fclose($fp_rec); $rec_count = $i; } //Open pageinfo file $fp_pageinfo = fopen($PAGEINFOFILE, "rb"); $i = 0; while (!feof($fp_pageinfo) && $i < $NumPages) { $pageinfoline = fgets($fp_pageinfo, $MaxKeyWordLineLen); if (strlen($pageinfoline) > 2) // skip deleted lines { $pageinforow = explode("|", $pageinfoline); $pgdataoffset[$i] = $pageinforow[$PAGEINFO_OFFSET]; if ($UseDateTime == 1 || $DisplayDate == 1) $datetime[$i] = $pageinforow[$PAGEINFO_DATETIME]; if ($DisplayFilesize == 1) { $filesize[$i] = $pageinforow[$PAGEINFO_FILESIZE] / 1024; if ($filesize[$i] < 1) $filesize[$i] = 1; } if ($UseCats == 1) $catpages[$i] = $pageinforow[$PAGEINFO_CAT]; } $i++; } if ($Recommended == 1) $i += $rec_count; // take into account the recommended links before verifying if ($i < $NumPages) { print("Zoom config error: The zoom_pageinfo.zdat file is invalid or not up-to-date. Please make sure you have uploaded all files from the same indexing session. "); $UseDateTime = 0; $UseZoomImage = 0; $DisplayFilesize = 0; } fclose($fp_pageinfo); // Open pagedata file $fp_pagedata = fopen($PAGEDATAFILE, "rb"); // Open wordmap file $fp_wordmap = fopen($WORDMAPFILE, "rb"); // Open dictionary file $fp_dict = fopen($DICTIONARYFILE, "rt"); $i = 0; while (!feof($fp_dict)) { $dictline = fgets($fp_dict, $MaxKeyWordLineLen); if (strlen($dictline) > 0) { $dict[$i] = explode(" ", $dictline, 2); $i++; } } fclose($fp_dict); $dict_count = $i; // Prepare query for search --------------------------------------------------- if ($MapAccents == 1) { $query = str_replace($AccentChars, $NormalChars, $query); } // prepare search query, strip quotes, trim whitespace if ($AllowExactPhrase == 0) { $query = str_replace("\"", " ", $query); } if (strspn(".", $WordJoinChars) == 0) $query = str_replace(".", " ", $query); if (strspn("-", $WordJoinChars) == 0) $query = preg_replace("/(\S)-/", "$1 ", $query); if (strspn("_", $WordJoinChars) == 0) $query = str_replace("_", " ", $query); if (strspn("'", $WordJoinChars) == 0) $query = str_replace("'", " ", $query); if (strspn("#", $WordJoinChars) == 0) $query = str_replace("#", " ", $query); if (strspn("$", $WordJoinChars) == 0) $query = str_replace("$", " ", $query); if (strspn(",", $WordJoinChars) == 0) $query = str_replace(",", " ", $query); if (strspn(":", $WordJoinChars) == 0) $query = str_replace(":", " ", $query); if (strspn("&", $WordJoinChars) == 0) $query = str_replace("&", " ", $query); if (strspn("/", $WordJoinChars) == 0) $query = str_replace("/", " ", $query); if (strspn("\\", $WordJoinChars) == 0) $query = str_replace("\\", " ", $query); // strip consecutive spaces, parenthesis, etc. // also strip any of the wordjoinchars if followed immediately by a space $query = preg_replace("/[\s\(\)\^\[\]\|\+\{\}\%]+|[\-._',:&\/\\\](\s|$)/", " ", $query); $query = trim($query); $queryForHTML = htmlspecialchars($query); if ($ToLowerSearchWords == 1) { if ($UseUTF8 == 1 && $UseMBFunctions == 1) $queryForSearch = mb_strtolower($query, "UTF-8"); else $queryForSearch = strtolower($query); } else $queryForSearch = $query; //Split search phrase into words preg_match_all("/\"(.*?)\"|\-\"(.*?)\"|[^\\s\"]+/", $queryForSearch, $SearchWords); $SearchWords = preg_replace("/\"[\s]+|[\s]+\"|\"/", "", $SearchWords[0]); //Sort search words if there are negative signs if (strpos($queryForSearch, "-") !== false) usort($SearchWords, "sw_compare"); $query_zoom_cats = ""; //Print heading print(" " . $STR_RESULTS_FOR . " " . $queryForHTML);
if ($UseCats)
if ($cat[0] == -1)
$query_zoom_cats = "&zoom_cat%5B%5D=-1";
print(" " . $STR_RESULTS_IN_CATEGORY . " ");
for ($catit = 0; $catit < $num_zoom_cats; $catit++)
if ($catit > 0)
print(", ");
print("\"". rtrim($catnames[$cat[$catit]]) . "\"");
$query_zoom_cats .= "&zoom_cat%5B%5D=".$cat[$catit];
print " \n";
print "\n";
// Begin main search loop -----------------------------------------------------
$numwords = count ($SearchWords);
//$pagesCount = count($urls);
$pagesCount = $NumPages;
$outputline = 0;
// Initialise $res_table to be a 2D array of count($pages) long, filled with zeros.
//$res_table = array_fill(0, $pagesCount, array_fill(0, 6, 0));
$res_table = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $pagesCount; $i++)
$res_table[$i] = array();
$res_table[$i][0] = 0; // score
$res_table[$i][1] = 0; // num of sw matched
$res_table[$i][2] = 0; // pagetext ptr #1
$res_table[$i][3] = 0; // pagetext ptr #2
$res_table[$i][4] = 0; // pagetext ptr #3
$res_table[$i][5] = 0; // 'and' user search terms matched
$exclude_count = 0;
// check if word is in skipword file
$SkippedWords = 0;
$context_maxgoback = 1;
$SkippedExactPhrase = 0;
$maxscore = 0;
//$sw_results = array_fill(0, $numwords, 0);
// Prepopulate some data for each searchword
$sw_results = array();
for ($sw = 0; $sw < $numwords; $sw++)
$sw_results[$sw] = 0;
$UseWildCards[$sw] = 0;
if (strpos($SearchWords[$sw], "*") !== false || strpos($SearchWords[$sw], "?") !== false)
$RegExpSearchWords[$sw] = pattern2regexp($SearchWords[$sw]);
$UseWildCards[$sw] = 1;
if ($Highlighting == 1 && $UseWildCards[$sw] == 0)
$RegExpSearchWords[$sw] = $SearchWords[$sw];
if (strpos($RegExpSearchWords[$sw], "\\") !== false)
$RegExpSearchWords[$sw] = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $RegExpSearchWords[$sw]);
if (strpos($RegExpSearchWords[$sw], "/") !== false)
$RegExpSearchWords[$sw] = str_replace("/", "\/", $RegExpSearchWords[$sw]);
for ($sw = 0; $sw < $numwords; $sw++)
if ($SearchWords[$sw] == "")
// check min length
if (strlen($SearchWords[$sw]) < $MinWordLen)
$ExactPhrase = 0;
$ExcludeTerm = 0;
// Check exclusion searches
if ($SearchWords[$sw][0] == "-")
$SearchWords[$sw] = substr($SearchWords[$sw], 1);
$ExcludeTerm = 1;
if ($AllowExactPhrase == 1 && strpos($SearchWords[$sw], " ") !== false)
// Initialise exact phrase matching for this search term
$ExactPhrase = 1;
$phrase_terms = split(" ", $SearchWords[$sw]);
//$phrase_terms = preg_split("/\W+/", $SearchWords[$sw], -1, 0 /*PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE*/);
$num_phrase_terms = count($phrase_terms);
if ($num_phrase_terms > $context_maxgoback)
$context_maxgoback = $num_phrase_terms;
$phrase_terms_data = array();
$tmpid = 0;
$WordNotFound = 0;
for ($j = 0; $j < $num_phrase_terms; $j++)
$tmpid = GetDictID($phrase_terms[$j]);
if ($tmpid == -1) // word is not in dictionary
$WordNotFound = 1;
$wordmap_row = $dict[$tmpid][1];
if ($wordmap_row != -1)
fseek($fp_wordmap, $wordmap_row);
$countbytes = fread($fp_wordmap, 2);
$phrase_data_count[$j] = ord($countbytes[0]) | ord($countbytes[1])<<8;
for ($xbi = 0; $xbi < $phrase_data_count[$j]; $xbi++) {
$xbindata = fread($fp_wordmap, 8);
if (strlen($xbindata) == 0)
print "error in wordmap file: expected data not found";
$phrase_terms_data[$j][$xbi] = unpack("vscore/vpagenum/Vptr", $xbindata);
$phrase_data_count[$j] = 0;
$phrase_terms_data[$j] = 0;
if ($WordNotFound == 1)
else if ($UseWildCards[$sw])
$pattern = "/";
// match entire word
if ($SearchAsSubstring == 0)
$pattern = $pattern . "\A";
$pattern = $pattern . $RegExpSearchWords[$sw];
if ($SearchAsSubstring == 0)
$pattern = $pattern . "\Z";
if ($ToLowerSearchWords != 0)
$pattern = $pattern . "/i";
$pattern = $pattern . "/";
for ($i = 0; $i < $dict_count; $i++)
$dictline = $dict[$i];
$word = $dict[$i][0];
// if we're not using wildcards, direct match
if ($ExactPhrase == 1)
// todo: move to next phrase term if first phrase term is skipped?
// compare first term in exact phrase
$result = wordcasecmp($phrase_terms[0], $word);
else if ($UseWildCards[$sw] == 0)
if ($SearchAsSubstring == 0)
$result = wordcasecmp($SearchWords[$sw], $word);
if (stristr($word, $SearchWords[$sw]) == FALSE)
$result = 1; // not matched
$result = 0; // matched
// if we have wildcards...
$result = !(preg_match($pattern, $word));
// result = 0 if matched, result != 0 if not matched.
// word found but indicated to be not indexed or skipped
if ($result == 0 && $dictline[1] == -1)
if ($UseWildCards[$sw] == 0 && $SearchAsSubstring == 0)
if ($ExactPhrase == 1)
$SkippedExactPhrase = 1;
if ($result == 0)
// keyword found in the dictionary
if ($ExactPhrase == 1)
// we'll use the wordmap data for the first term that we have worked out earlier
$data = $phrase_terms_data[0];
$data_count = $phrase_data_count[0];
$ContextSeeks = 0;
// seek to position in wordmap file
fseek($fp_wordmap, $dictline[1]);
//print "seeking in wordmap: " . $dictline[1] . " "; // first 2 bytes is data count $countbytes = fread($fp_wordmap, 2); $data_count = ord($countbytes[0]) | ord($countbytes[1])<<8; //print "data count: " . $data_count . " "; for ($bi = 0; $bi < $data_count; $bi++) { $bindata = fread($fp_wordmap, 8); if (strlen($bindata) == 0) print "Error in wordmap file: expected data not found"; $data[$bi] = unpack("vscore/vpagenum/Vptr", $bindata); } } $sw_results[$sw] += $data_count; // Go through wordmap for each page this word appears on for ($j = 0; $j < $data_count; $j++) { $score = $data[$j]["score"]; $txtptr = $data[$j]["ptr"]; if ($score == 0) continue; if ($ExactPhrase == 1) { $maxptr = $data[$j]["ptr"]; $maxptr_term = 0; $GotoNextPage = 0; // Check if all of the other words in the phrase appears on this page. for ($xi = 1; $xi < $num_phrase_terms; $xi++) { // see if this word appears at all on this page, if not, we stop scanning page. // do not check for skipped words (data count value of zero) if ($phrase_data_count[$xi] != 0) { // check wordmap for this search phrase to see if it appears on the current page. for ($xbi = 0; $xbi < $phrase_data_count[$xi]; $xbi++) { if ($phrase_terms_data[$xi][$xbi]["pagenum"] == $data[$j]["pagenum"]) { // intersection, this term appears on both pages, goto next term // remember biggest pointer. if ($phrase_terms_data[$xi][$xbi]["ptr"] > $maxptr) { $maxptr = $phrase_terms_data[$xi][$xbi]["ptr"]; $maxptr_term = $xi; } $score += $phrase_terms_data[$xi][$xbi]["score"]; break; } } if ($xbi == $phrase_data_count[$xi]) // if not found { $GotoNextPage = 1; break; // goto next page } } } // end phrase term for loop if ($GotoNextPage == 1) continue; // Check how many context seeks we have made. $ContextSeeks++; if ($ContextSeeks > $MaxContextSeeks) { print "" . $STR_PHRASE_CONTAINS_COMMON_WORDS . " \"" . $SearchWords[$sw] . "\" "; break; } // ok, so this page contains all of the words in the phrase $FoundPhrase = 0; $FoundFirstWord = 0; // we goto the first occurance of the first word in pagetext $pos = $maxptr - (($maxptr_term+3) * $DictIDLen); // assume 3 possible punctuations. // do not seek further back than the occurance of the first word (avoid wrong page) if ($pos < $data[$j]["ptr"]) $pos = $data[$j]["ptr"]; fseek($fp_pagetext, $pos); // now we look for the phrase within the context of this page do { for ($xi = 0; $xi < $num_phrase_terms; $xi++) { // do...while loop to ignore punctuation marks in context phrase do { // Inlined (and unlooped) the following function for speed reasons //$xword_id = GetNextDictWord($fp_pagetext); $bytes_buffer = fread($fp_pagetext, $DictIDLen); $xword_id = ord($bytes_buffer[0]); $xword_id = $xword_id | ord($bytes_buffer[1]) << 8; if ($DictIDLen == 3) $xword_id = $xword_id | ord($bytes_buffer[2]) << (8*2); $pos += $DictIDLen; // check if we are at the end of page (wordid = 0) or invalid $xword_id if ($xword_id == 0 || $xword_id >= $dict_count) break; } while ($xword_id <= $DictReservedLimit && !feof($fp_pagetext)); if ($xword_id == 0 || $xword_id >= $dict_count) break; // inlined if condition to avoid function call overhead with wordcasecmp() if ($UseMBFunctions == 1) $cmpRet = wordcasecmp($dict[$xword_id][0], $phrase_terms[$xi]); else $cmpRet = strcasecmp($dict[$xword_id][0], $phrase_terms[$xi]); // if the words are NOT the same, we break out if ($cmpRet != 0) { // also check against first word if ($xi != 0 && wordcasecmp($dict[$xword_id][0], $phrase_terms[0]) == 0) $xi = 0; // matched first word else break; } // remember how many times we find the first word on this page if ($xi == 0) { $FoundFirstWord++; // remember the position of the 'start' of this phrase $txtptr = $pos - $DictIDLen; } } if ($xi == $num_phrase_terms) { // exact phrase found! $FoundPhrase = 1; } } while ($xword_id != 0 && $FoundPhrase == 0 && $FoundFirstWord <= $data[$j]["score"]); if ($FoundPhrase != 1) continue; // goto next page. } //Check if page is already in output list $pageexists = 0; $ipage = $data[$j]["pagenum"]; if ($ExcludeTerm == 1) { // we clear out the score entry so that it'll be excluded in the filtering stage $res_table[$ipage][0] = 0; } elseif ($res_table[$ipage][0] == 0) { // not in list, count this page as a unique match $res_table[$ipage][0] += $score; $res_table[$ipage][2] = $txtptr; } else { // already in list if ($res_table[$ipage][0] > 10000) { // take it easy if its too big (to prevent huge scores) $res_table[$ipage][0] += 1; } else { $res_table[$ipage][0] += $score; //Add in score $res_table[$ipage][0] *= 2; //Double Score as we have two words matching } // store the next two searchword matches if ($res_table[$ipage][1] > 0 && $res_table[$ipage][1] < $MaxContextKeywords) { if ($res_table[$ipage][3] == 0) $res_table[$ipage][3] = $txtptr; elseif ($res_table[$ipage][4] == 0) $res_table[$ipage][4] = $txtptr; } } $res_table[$ipage][1] += 1; if ($res_table[$ipage][0] > $maxscore) $maxscore = $res_table[$ipage][0]; // store the 'and' user search terms matched' value if ($res_table[$ipage][5] == $sw || $res_table[$ipage][5] == $sw-$SkippedWords-$exclude_count) $res_table[$ipage][5] += 1; } if ($UseWildCards[$sw] == 0 && $SearchAsSubstring == 0) break; //This search word was found, so skip to next } } } //Close the files fclose($fp_wordmap); if ($SkippedWords > 0) { print " " . $STR_SKIPPED_FOLLOWING_WORDS . " " . $SkippedOutputStr . " \n";
//Count number of output lines that match ALL search terms
$oline = 0;
$fullmatches = 0;
$matches = 0;
// Second pass, results filtering.
$full_numwords = $numwords - $SkippedWords - $exclude_count;
for ($i = 0; $i < $pagesCount; $i++)
$IsFiltered = false;
if ($res_table[$i][0] > 0)
if ($UseCats && $cat[0] != -1)
// Using cats and not doing an "all cats" search
if ($SearchMultiCats)
for ($cati = 0; $cati < $num_zoom_cats; $cati++)
if ($catpages[$i][$cat[$cati]] == "1")
if ($cati == $num_zoom_cats)
$IsFiltered = true;
if ($catpages[$i][$cat[0]] == "0")
$IsFiltered = true;
if ($IsFiltered == false)
//if ($res_table[$i][1] >= $full_numwords)
if ($res_table[$i][5] >= $full_numwords)
// if AND search, only copy AND results
if ($and == 1)
$IsFiltered = true;
if ($IsFiltered == false)
// copy if not filtered out
$output[$oline][0] = $i; // page index
$output[$oline][1] = $res_table[$i][0]; // score
$output[$oline][2] = $res_table[$i][1]; // num of sw matched
$output[$oline][3] = $res_table[$i][2]; // pagetext ptr #1
$output[$oline][4] = $res_table[$i][3]; // pagetext ptr #2
$output[$oline][5] = $res_table[$i][4]; // pagetext ptr #3
$matches = $oline;
//Sort results in order of score, use the "SortCompare" function
if ($matches > 1)
if ($sort == 1 && $UseDateTime == 1 && isset($datetime))
usort($output, "SortByDate");
// Default sort by relevance
usort($output, "SortCompare");
// queryForURL is the query prepared to be passed in a URL.
$queryForURL = urlencode($query);
//Display search result information
print("\n"; if ($SkippedExactPhrase == 1) print $STR_SKIPPED_PHRASE . ". \n"; print " \n");
if ($matches == 0)
elseif ($numwords > 1 && $and == 0)
$SomeTermMatches = $matches - $fullmatches;
print PrintNumResults($fullmatches) . " " . $STR_SUMMARY_FOUND_CONTAINING_ALL_TERMS . " ";
if ($SomeTermMatches > 0)
print PrintNumResults($SomeTermMatches) . " " . $STR_SUMMARY_FOUND_CONTAINING_SOME_TERMS;
elseif ($numwords > 1 && $and == 1) //AND
print PrintNumResults($fullmatches) . " " . $STR_SUMMARY_FOUND_CONTAINING_ALL_TERMS;
print PrintNumResults($matches) . " " . $STR_SUMMARY_FOUND;
print " \n";
if ($matches < 3)
if ($and == 1 && $numwords > 1)
print "\n " . $STR_POSSIBLY_GET_MORE_RESULTS . " ". $STR_ANY_OF_TERMS . ". " . $STR_POSSIBLY_GET_MORE_RESULTS . " " . $STR_ALL_CATS . ". " . $STR_DIDYOUMEAN . " ". $SuggestStr . ""; if (strlen($word2) > 0) print " $STR_OR ". $word2 . ""; if (strlen($word3) > 0) print " $STR_OR ". $word3 . ""; print "? " . $num_pages . " " . $STR_PAGES_OF_RESULTS . " \n");
print(" ");
// Show sorting options
if ($matches > 1)
if ($UseDateTime == 1)
print("$STR_RECOMMENDED \n");
$pgdata = GetPageData($rec_idx);
$url = $pgdata[$PAGEDATA_URL];
$title = $pgdata[$PAGEDATA_TITLE];
$description = $pgdata[$PAGEDATA_DESC];
$urlLink = $url;
//$urlLink = rtrim($urls[$rec_idx]);
if ($GotoHighlight == 1)
if ($SearchAsSubstring == 1)
$urlLink = AddParamToURL($urlLink, "zoom_highlightsub=".$queryForURL);
$urlLink = AddParamToURL($urlLink, "zoom_highlight=".$queryForURL);
if ($PdfHighlight == 1)
if (stristr($urlLink, ".pdf") != FALSE)
$urlLink = $urlLink."#search="".str_replace("\"", "", $query).""";
print(" ");
if ($num_recs_found > 0)
print(" \n");
print(" \n");
if ($sort == 1)
print("". $STR_SORTBY_RELEVANCE . " / ". $STR_SORTEDBY_DATE . "");
print("". $STR_SORTEDBY_RELEVANCE . " / ". $STR_SORTBY_DATE . "");
print(" ");
// Determine current line of result from the $output array
if ($page == 1) {
$arrayline = 0;
} else {
$arrayline = (($page - 1) * $per_page);
// The last result to show on this page
$result_limit = $arrayline + $per_page;
// Display the results
while ($arrayline < $matches && $arrayline < $result_limit)
$ipage = $output[$arrayline][0];
$score = $output[$arrayline][1];
$pgdata = GetPageData($ipage);
$url = $pgdata[$PAGEDATA_URL];
$title = $pgdata[$PAGEDATA_TITLE];
$description = $pgdata[$PAGEDATA_DESC];
$urlLink = $url;
//$urlLink = rtrim($urls[$ipage]);
if ($GotoHighlight == 1)
if ($SearchAsSubstring == 1)
$urlLink = AddParamToURL($urlLink, "zoom_highlightsub=".$queryForURL);
$urlLink = AddParamToURL($urlLink, "zoom_highlight=".$queryForURL);
if ($PdfHighlight == 1)
if (stristr($urlLink, ".pdf") != FALSE)
$urlLink = $urlLink."#search="".str_replace(""", "", $query).""";
if ($arrayline % 2 == 0)
print(" "; // end of results style tag
if ($Timing == 1 || $Logging == 1)
$mtime = explode(" ", microtime());
$endtime = doubleval($mtime[1]) + doubleval($mtime[0]);
$difference = abs($starttime - $endtime);
$timetaken = number_format($difference, 3, '.', '');
if ($Timing == 1)
print "");
if ($UseZoomImage)
if (isset($pgdata[$PAGEDATA_IMG]))
$image = $pgdata[$PAGEDATA_IMG];
$image = "";
if (strlen($image) > 0)
print " ");
if ($DisplayContext == 1 || $AllowExactPhrase == 1)
// Show links to other result pages
if ($num_pages > 1)
// 10 results to the left of the current page
$start_range = $page - 10;
if ($start_range < 1)
$start_range = 1;
// 10 to the right
$end_range = $page + 10;
if ($end_range > $num_pages)
$end_range = $num_pages;
print "";
if ($DisplayNumber == 1)
print "".($arrayline+1).". ";
if ($DisplayTitle == 1)
print "";
print "";
print "".rtrim($url)."";
if ($UseCats)
print " ";
for ($catit = 0; $catit < $NumCats; $catit++)
if ($catpages[$ipage][$catit] == "1")
print(" [".trim($catnames[$catit])."]");
print "";
print " \n";
if ($DisplayMetaDesc == 1)
// Print meta description
if (strlen($description) > 2) {
print " \n";
if ($DisplayContext == 1)
// Extract contextual page content
$context_keywords = $output[$arrayline][2]; // # of terms matched
if ($context_keywords > $MaxContextKeywords)
$context_keywords = $MaxContextKeywords;
$context_word_count = ceil($ContextSize / $context_keywords);
$goback = floor($context_word_count / 2);
$gobackbytes = $goback * $DictIDLen;
$last_startpos = 0;
$last_endpos = 0;
$FoundContext = 0;
print "\n";
for ($j = 0; $j < $context_keywords && ($j == 0 || !feof($fp_pagetext)); $j++)
$origpos = $output[$arrayline][3 + $j];
$startpos = $origpos;
if ($gobackbytes < $startpos)
$startpos = $startpos - $gobackbytes;
$noGoBack = false;
$noGoBack = true;
// Check that this will not overlap with previous extract
if ($startpos > $last_startpos && $startpos < $last_endpos)
$startpos = $last_endpos; // we will just continue last extract if so.
// find the pagetext pointed to
fseek($fp_pagetext, $startpos);
// remember the last start position
$last_startpos = $startpos;
$word_id = GetNextDictWord($fp_pagetext);
$prev_word_id = 0;
$context_str = "";
$noSpaceForNextChar = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < $context_word_count && !feof($fp_pagetext); $i++)
if ($noSpaceForNextChar == false)
// No space for reserved words (punctuation, etc)
if ($word_id > $DictReservedNoSpaces)
if ($prev_word_id <= $DictReservedPrefixes || $prev_word_id > $DictReservedNoSpaces)
$context_str .= " ";
elseif ($word_id > $DictReservedSuffixes && $word_id <= $DictReservedPrefixes)
// This is a Prefix character
$context_str .= " ";
$noSpaceForNextChar = true;
elseif ($word_id > $DictReservedPrefixes) // this is a nospace character
$noSpaceForNextChar = true;
$noSpaceForNextChar = false;
if ($word_id == 0 || $word_id == 1 || $word_id >= $dict_count) // check if end of page or section
// if end of page occurs AFTER word pointer (ie: reached next page)
if ($noGoBack || ftell($fp_pagetext) > $origpos)
break; // then we stop.
else // if end of page occurs BEFORE word pointer (ie: reached previous page)
$context_str = "";// then we clear the existing context buffer we've created.
$i = 0;
if ($word_id <= $DictReservedLimit)
$context_str .= $dict[$word_id][0];
$context_str .= htmlspecialchars($dict[$word_id][0]);
$prev_word_id = $word_id;
$word_id = GetNextDictWord($fp_pagetext);
// remember the last end position
$last_endpos = ftell($fp_pagetext);
if (strcmp(trim($context_str), trim($title)) == 0)
$context_str = ""; // clear the string if its identical to the title
if ($context_str != "")
print " ... ";
$FoundContext = 1;
//$context_str = htmlspecialchars($context_str);
if ($FoundContext == 1)
print " ...";
print " \n";
$info_str = "";
if ($DisplayTerms == 1)
$info_str .= $STR_RESULT_TERMS_MATCHED . " ". $output[$arrayline][2];
if ($DisplayScore == 1)
if (strlen($info_str) > 0)
$info_str .= " - ";
$info_str .= $STR_RESULT_SCORE . " " . $score;
if ($DisplayDate == 1 && $datetime[$ipage] > 0)
if (strlen($info_str) > 0)
$info_str .= " - ";
$info_str .= date("j M Y", $datetime[$ipage]);
if ($DisplayFilesize == 1)
if (strlen($info_str) > 0)
$info_str .= " - ";
$info_str .= number_format($filesize[$ipage]) . "k";
if ($DisplayURL == 1)
if (strlen($info_str) > 0)
$info_str .= " - ";
$info_str .= $STR_RESULT_URL . " ".rtrim($url);
print " \n";
print("\n" . $STR_RESULT_PAGES . " ";
if ($page > 1)
print "<< " . $STR_RESULT_PAGES_PREVIOUS . " ";
for ($i = $start_range; $i <= $end_range; $i++)
if ($i == $page)
print $page." ";
print "".$i." ";
if ($page != $num_pages)
print "" . $STR_RESULT_PAGES_NEXT . " >> ";
print " ";
print "" . $STR_SEARCH_TOOK . " " . $timetaken . " " . $STR_SECONDS . " "; } } //Print out the end of the template PrintEndOfTemplate($template); ?> |